Sunday, July 29, 2018

THE NEW ATTRIBUTES OF ACE!!!!! Part 2: Miracle Fighters ~Miko & Mel & Dan?!~

    Welcome everyone to part 2 of this 3 part series looking at every starting attribute that we know of for Buddyfight Ace. Last time we looked at the first four attributes from Gargantua Awakened, and this week we are focusing on the two attributes from the Miko and Mel Ultimate Booster. Miko`s <<Electrodeity>> and Mel`s <<Folktale>>. Also because I have no where else to put it, we are also going to focus on the OUT OF NOWHERE new attribute from Dragon World, Dragon Blood Division, used by the series only antagonist...for now, Dan Yamada. Why also add Dan`s deck in while it only has two cards revealed? Because someone`s gonna enjoy it, plus this is the best place to put it instead of the Hero Booster. If you are a brand new player and did not get a single word I just said, do not worry as everything will make sense soon. So I welcome you to Part 2 of the series! Welcome to the Trio of Miracle Fighters!!

Waifu monster #1
     Folktale is the first attribute fully revealed for the Miko and Mel booster. Used by Buddyfights new archetypal "Has Food For Hair" Character, Mel Yumegatari. Folktale is based a lot on Fantasy and fairy tales, with the main buddy being Red Riding Hood, with other characters like Sleeping Beauty, the Big Bad Wolf, the hunter from some fairy tale, and more! They have a focus on calling multiple size 1`s to the field, but when they are destroyed, you can put them inside the pages of the Attributes most useful tool, the story itself Illusions Folktale, Echt Biblio, which stores all destroyed Folktale into its soul. Then on your turn, after you do a similar rush from hand, you can call monsters from soul through Counter Timing to gain ever more attacks. This also applies to your opponents turn when calling a monster to get popped which causes your opponent to maybe lose a monster or [>] a Gargantua before it can attack. Their big hitter though is a 7 crit Size 3 that can be counter called just like the other cards, but instead from the hand for massive damage. It is shaping up to be a fun attribute full of adventure and bliss. So if you find yourself always in a Fairy Tale world, then Folktale is the deck for you. This does not have a Start deck associated with it, so you can get all the cards by buying the Second S Ultimate Booster: Miracle Fighters ~Miko & Mel~ on September 14th.

Waifu monster #2
The second deck in the Miko and Mel booster to be revealed in full from the show is the interesting new <<Electrodeity>>. Their play style is honestly the first thing I should talk about since it is what explains the whole deck. It is basically Hero World, but in Katana through the power of Spirit Medium. The main item in question being Kagura Bell of Worship, which allows you basically convert the big Size 3 <<Electrodeities>> in your hand, into Items to use in battle, known as "Buddy Possession". Based on various Shinto beliefs, a "Miko" (Get it?) has the power to conjure their body as a Spirit Medium to hold Spirits, which is what this deck strives to do. At the beginning of each turn, you Equip a Size 3 Electrodeity from your hand onto your item, sort of like Transform. Then your normal monsters do the damage along with you. It is actually really cool once they finally showed off the deck and it really brings up the "Spirit Medium" idea through the game in a nice way. The Spirits themselves however, also bring us to their aesthetic, with various Kimono and Robes of their lower power monsters, while the Deities themselves have very extravagant designs, befitting the Deity they are from actual history like the Sun Goddess Amaterasu, Her brother Susanoo, and possibly we may see Izanagi and Tsukuyomi as well. It is a fun deck for anyone interested in Japanese mythology and lore, as it perfectly portrays the idea of the Spirit Medium. So if you are of the Shinto Religion, appreciate the Japanese culture, or are those people who basically call this deck "OH ITS OTT!! ITS OTT!" Then Electrodeity, will shock you a bit! This does not have a Start deck associated with it, so you can get all the cards by buying the Second S Ultimate Booster: Miracle Fighters ~Miko & Mel~ on September 14th.

Dragon Blood Division
This might not even be the Buddy,
this is the only RRR Dragon we have
So because Corocoro decided to show it`s Dragon Fetish instead of the actual upcoming sets, we got a glimpse of a brand new attribute for the S Character Pack, which actually makes it worth it and not a pile of garbage, the Dragon Blood Division (Name Pending). The Dragon Blood Division will be used by Dan Yamada in the anime, and is more of an antagonistic deck, while all that we have seen now have been used by the good guys. Dragon Blood Divisions main trick is being tanks. They are basically the old Duel Dragon deck from the beginning of Buddyfight, brought up in a new way and given a bit of a power-up. Both cards revealed as of now, at the start of your opponent`s attack phase, can choose a monster, Nullify it`s abilities, and make it attack your monster first. The monster then is supposed to be destroyed by [CounterAttack] which procs the monsters second ability that when you destroy a monster on their field through a card effect, you get bonuses off of it. It`s basically a taunting deck that forces your opponent to either use effect destruction, or something else entirely in order to beat the enemy. Speaking of enemies, their designs are monstrous, focusing on combining dark, evil dragons with monster aesthetics, like Bloody Eyes here clearly having a Dracula vibe. Not much more is revealed about the deck, not even if it is a closed or open center deck. It is a nice concept and with the support coming, will turn out to be a good deck supported...on and off...for a long time in the Ace Era, much like their identity counterparts, the Dragon Knights, held in the OG Era. So if you like to hold your opponent down and make them hit themselves, Then come on down the Dragon Blood Division! 

Onto Hero World
The final part will begin soon! Hero World has finally been starting to get their reveals, and now at the time of writing, we can play Sky Machine Corp and Galaxy Defense Force. Battle Buildings still need to be revealed more, but they are <<Brave Machine>>`s so they will be easier to explain since theirs already so much support. I honestly was excited for the Hero World reveals, but playing them has been pretty weird. I am excited though to speak about them, and I hope you guys enjoy the final episode of this mini-series. Thank you everyone and enjoy your weekend! Now if I plan this right, this should come out on Sunday, and I will be at the Vanguard Sneak Preview...I like Megacolony.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

THE NEW ATTRIBUTES OF ACE!!!!! Part 1: Gargantua Awakened...23 years late.

     Welcome to the brand new segment on "How to make your Buddyfight Deck Relevant" Where instead of all the old archetypes that were made out of the Bushiroads uncontrollable need to find something to make that is not a Dragon. Today we will be switching from what this blog will be dubbing the OG ERA, to check out what is happening on the other side of the timeline in the ACE ERA! We need to look to the future as, for this moment, it does not seem Bushiroad will be doing support for the older decks down the line for a bit, more focusing on getting a ton of decks for people to join in now then for people to have to go find old stuff. So for people who might not want have the best jumping point to the incoming changes or are a new player looking to join buddyfight at this new landmark, well I am here to look at them with you and to see what deck appeals to you or if you find a deck to main for the new era, as everyone has to find something new to replace your TEF/Chaos Deck. Don't lie to me, you have a TEF deck or a Chaos deck somewhere in your collection, everyone did. So, let`s not waste anytime guys! Let`s GOOOOO!



    Well....that was extremely painful. Everything is seen to be either hyper-aggressive or a little more slower but still able to deal a ton of damage. Even with new reveals coming in from the Ace Ultimate Boosters and Corocoro showing a focus on aggression and damage rather then more burn or lock down. Yes, Linkdragon Order is not lock down despite all the times you see your opponent using them. In fact, we actually have results from Japanese tournaments regarding the impact (get it) of Gargantua Awakened to the Meta game. 
    Jerry show the clipboard.

     So yeah....Godpunks took 1st place in Japanese Tournaments 30%, with Astrodragons only talking 20%. Linkdragons and old man Chaos are also 20% and Sun Dragons, TE, and DDT, THE EPITOMY OF MIKADO.DEK only makes 18%. Also Other could be that Ein infinite loop people found (Which I hear is so boring to fight against), so yeah, this is insane. Its also to note that Japan Tourneys are best of 1, so it makes sense to see Astros and Godpunks so damn high. You play Astro`s like you are fishing in Chaos and you can make a winning board on turn 2 and Godpunks make me cry because they are so damn strong, possibly only beatable by Astros because they can rush so much that if you can get the second turn and a good hand, GGGodpunk. This is the changes done with only 4 attributes to the game, it has helped move some old garbage out of the limelight...what replaced it maybe isn't good but hey, what can you do. So I wanted to talk about the newest attributes here, and what I think about them and help raise interest for people still on the fence for the game. So today I present


So we are going to split this into three parts. The first part will hold the first 4 attributes from Gargantua Awakened because that is only a month away. The second one will be based on S-UB02, the Miko and Mel Booster, and then adding in Creepy Dan to the mix because Bushi HAD to reveal his deck instead of showing the Ultimate Boosters in Corocoro. So let`s start with the first 4 decks.

oh wait...forgot something.



Deity Dragon Tribe

So this guy just appears after 23 years,
and now when Gao or Tasuku kept using
his sword?
    Deity Dragon Tribe (or DDT) is the new "Gao" style attribute for Buddyfight Ace. Used by the son of the original Buddyfight Protagonist, Yuga Mikado. The aesthetic of DDT is a lot like classic Armordragons, but added in more regalia with jewels and fancier armor designs. Unlike Armordragons which had a basic overall beat down with a flexible amount of usage in its early days, Deity Dragon Tribe focuses highly on Gargantua Dragon, from the items even being locked primarily towards him, so Gargantua Dragon will be your main deck for the longest time. It is interesting however that Gargantua Dragon is not the usual Dragon World card, but is affiliated with no world. His deck for now is just Dragon World due to the support, but it is highly likely in the future that their could be Gargantua in various new Attributes in different worlds, or just Deity Dragon Tribe being a multiple world attribute like Thunder Empire, but without the flag to use it all at once. The playstyle however is also straightforward. Gargantua Dragon where you usually put Buddies, your choice of Garblade or Garchris, Lanze Gardragon and the upgraded Gargantua Punisher. THAT'S ALL YOU NEED....if that were true. Gargantua Dragon also has the iconic ability of <G-EVO> that whenever he finishes attacking, he can evolve into another Gargantua Dragon (Either a new base form or a mode) from your hand without paying the [Call Cost] of the upgraded mode. You swing with your 8 crit Blast Mode AND THEN hit them with the punisher to win. Simple game-play wise and it fits well with all over Dragon World Mikado style decks. If you need to choose the Main Characters deck, or you find the aesthetic charming, over find the mode gimmick a nice addition to the usual Dragon World snoozefest, check out DDT! You can get them by buying the first S Start Deck: Dradeity coming out (Supposedly) July 27th and upgrading with the first S Booster: Gargantua Awakened on August 31st!


No, he is not the son of Tasuku, stop asking.

Astrodragons is the second new attribute introduced for Buddyfight Ace. Used by the first rival to Yuga (second if you counted Ranma), Subaru Hoshiyomi. Astrodragons, unlike Prism Dragons on release are not complete annoyance, but an actually fun, and fast Aggro deck based on keeping formation and maintaining a complete aggressive chain of attacks. Remember when TE can do 20 damage in a single turn...that's this deck`s bread and butter. The main unit this time is Skyseer Dragon, Cross Astrologia, who in similar vain to Gargantua Dragon`s <G-Evo> has his own ability. +Galaxy F> is activated when any form of Cross is in the center, you have an Astrodragon on your left, and you are equipped with an Astrodragon Item. This forms a Triangle on the field and Cross will then buff your entire field. Even your pathetic, horrible, disgraceful, shameful, pitiful right circle. Their disgusting in power, but beautiful in aesthetic, Trading Prism Dragons crystal designs and more color based typing to a more armored look, with predominantly various shades or purple and blue, making Cross pop in the center in bright yellow with rainbow wings. The Prism Dragons are more "Natural" while the Astrodragons are more..."Artificial". Not like the Chaos where its cyborgs, but more like how Armordragons are made, but instead of a predominant red, its a predominant blue. If your looking to deal more damage and use tactics like the Ace of Study (....why not just the Ace of Knowledge), then try out Astrodragons!  You can get them by buying the second S Start Deck: Triangulum Galaxy coming out (Supposedly) July 27th and upgrading with the first S Booster: Gargantua Awakened on August 31st!

Linkdragon Order
Baku, reincarnated as a Jock.
    The third attribute for the new series is for Ancient World, the brand new LINKDRAGON ORDER! Used by the "Ace of Sports" Masato, Linkdragon Order goes for a different approach from the usual Ancient World play style of "BIG SIZE 3! ALL DA TIME!". Instead of having 1 Size 3, they thought "what if...we have 3...size 1`s?!" This apparently blew the new R&D Directors mind, as he then went on to make Linkdragon Order as insane as it can be. BUT! Then he thought "What if...after they use the 3 Size 1`s...what if they could make 1 Massive Size 3!". Linkdragon Order, in a nutshell, is using Multiple size 1`s in the early game to set up pressure and ending with making a massive size 3 that will wall and keep up the pressure mid to late game. Their main mechanic is also the most complex of the Ace Trio. (D Share) is their ability, which allows all Linkdragon cards to share their abilities with other monsters with (D Share). So if one Linkdragon size 1 has the ability to pop a monster when it attacks, you choose a different monster, it pops something also. This also applies to your item so you would have a full field of monsters that can pop, heal, attack again, gain gauge, its all here. Each one has an effect that is decent, but that their on your entire field, it makes it all so much better. Once you hit that mid-game, you pull out the big bad of the deck, Spiral Thunderaxe, King Agito, who has the special (Spiral D Share) which instead of getting the abilities of all the cards on the field, gets all the abilities of cards in its soul. I remember DAY 1 when Ace got revealed and they teased a few cards. 5 Cards...and in a Testing Mirror Match, they were able to reach 100 life. I am not joking...
Do we have the footage of that? No? We don't...darn it.
     I sadly have to ask you guys to believe me when I said it could happen, and if you have a long match, it will happen. So all in all, Linkdragons are the most technical deck in the Ace trio and that's a good thing. One other cool thing about Linkdragon Order is the aesthetic, which instead of colossal dragons from the other attributes, focuses primarily on tinier dragons, small bi and quad pedal beings who have different, and distinct looks to each one. You see the green one and instantly know Jisen, you see the yellow one, you see Harahara. Each monster is distinct and each contribute to the overall deck as a whole when together or inside King Agito. If you are into a heavy deck, full of wacky possibilities and a ton of customization, I recommend to you the dangerous world of Linkdragon Order. You can get them by buying the third S Start Deck: Spiral Linkdragon Order coming out (Supposedly) July 27th and upgrading with the first S Booster: Gargantua Awakened on August 31st!

No SP foil for you, all you get is
a BCS Promo.

Godpunk is the attribute that was revealed last out of the Gargantua Awakened set. A Danger World attribute based on entirely being a ruthless, heartless thief, Godpunks focus on actually disruption by using your opponents resources for their own [Call Cost]s. They have cards that use your opponents gauge, card`s that require your opponent discards, and even the Buddy Monster, Topfist Vainglory, Brawlzeus lets them basically take any card on your opponents field and put it into the drop zone. As stated in the beginning of this retrospective, this is the most powerful deck in Japan right now, because it can just waste away at your opponents resources and it does a damn good job doing it. Must be why their aesthetic matches the whole "Gangster" feel, with ripped clothes, biker jackets for items, a very big influence on punk attire and the idea of the "Japanese delinquent" that is seen in many animes in Japan. This deck does not have a special Ability box unlike the other three released, but they still have the overall ability of "Plunder". When they attack and destroy an opponents monster, or deals damage to the opponent, they gain a resource for you, in a way of stealing it from the opponent. They also have great gauge acceleration for their skills as they just beat the futility of facing them into your skull. Fighting them is like actually facing real life bullies. It may seem hard, it may seem frustrating, but in the end, you go tell a parent. So for you guys who love bullying your opponent into submission, making them feel hopelessness and overall making the game less fun to play (What...It's true), Godpunk is the deck for you. This does not have a Start deck associated with it, so you can get all the cards by buying the first S Booster: Gargantua Awakened on August 31st!

Moving on to part 2

     Thank you very much for reading all of this through! This was something different I wanted to write up since the Ace Era is going to be a brand new start to Buddyfight for a bunch of new people, so I wanted to do my part and help people look at a deck and find interest in the game or just bring back lost interest once the X season destroyed a lot peoples faith in the game. It certainly did mine, but I really like the new status quo and if Bushiroad keeps the balance as it is now, then we will likely have a healthy year for Casual Buddyfight, so I thank you again for checking out this episode. This is part 1 of a 3 part series. In the next episode, I will be focusing on the next two attributes to have enough support to be able to talk about them, as well as a tiny little review of the most recent revealed attribute for the game. It wont be as in depth as this one, since the attributes are not fully out, but enough to give the general idea and check them out. I`m signing out, thank you for reading and please have an excellent day. 

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Akatsuki - No, not the cool ones from Naruto, but they are Ninjas.

     I do apologize for the long delay between the Burn Ninja episode and the "A" episode. I got floored with work, finals, and ER visits killed a lot of my mood for writing, so I am kicking in my butt (and in Blazblue Cross Tag Battle) in order to get me to write this chapter. So pretty excited to talk about this one because its utility and oddly amazing synergy is an enigma that transcends time and space and possibly rational reasoning, but this isn't the time to discuss my life choices. Today we are looking at the Set Spell Manipulating Dungeon World archetype - Akatsuki.
How did this happen and why does it work so well?
     Akatsuki is an archetype that Started in H-EB01, Miracle Impack with two cards. The Dungeon forms of Zanya and Akatsuki, cause seasons 1 and 2 gave everyone a Dungeon Form because WOAH! WACKY DUNGEON WORLD! Akatsuki and Zanya were not really a combo set, but they did work with the same thing. Once the X Dungeon Booster came out, it gave us a new card for Zanya and Akatsuki, so since we had two Akatsuki cards, and the original Zanya dungeon card had a archetype reaction to Akatsuki cards, so this made Akatsuki an archetype, despite no one actually realizing it! The three cards do not seem to be connected to each other, but they create this odd engine of a deck using the two Akatsuki`s together and the other Adventurer cards, in order to make a deck type that really surprises even me. There are only three cards to this archetype so I will explain the three cards, how they work with each other for once, and well...I guess show you how Akatsuki can be better, which still surprises me to say. So let`s start looking at little boys!!!!

That came out so wrong.
The Three Ninja Guardians of the Mission Cards
Apprentice Ninja, Akatsuki is a Size 1 3/1/3 Ninja/Adventurer that is free to call. His ability is that when he link attacks with another <<Adventurer>>, you choose a "Mission" card on your field and you can put the top card of your deck into it face down.  Pushes cards into a Missions Soul and since it isn't a OPT, multiple Akatsuki linking can push a ton into the soul very fast. Its a 3-4 of in the Akatsuki deck simply due to his it can be used to speed the deck. His attack power is now the best, but since Adventurers link attack, and the sword Etherstorm can help push his stat`s up, it isn't a big deal. He will help link attacks reach 10K power to hit walls while also applying link damage pressure

Swordsman of the East, Zanya is a 5/2/1 Dungeon World Vanilla, but he has an ability!!! ZOHMG THIS IS SO POWERFUL FOR SEASON 1 BUDDYFIGHT! He can only be called if his Buddy is an Adventuer, but I only say that just in case you decide to buddy the rock that you got the head injury from to give you that decision. His real skill comes in to the fact that he gains [Move] if you have a "Mission" card in your drop zone, or an "Akatsuki" on your field. Nice Vanilla body pumped by Etherstorm to a 6/2/2. Good move when you use a Tasuku turn to go from Closed to Open Center attacks. Protection on turns with lack of shields, since we can recycle our monsters in the deck through the drop zone. 2-3 of in the deck but is still pretty nice to have. 

NOW THE REAL GOOD CARD IS THIS! Princes from the East, Zanya and Akatsuki are a size 1 5/1/1 Dual Card with Ninja and Adventurer...this time it matters just in case you throw him in Ninja`s. When the duo attacks, you can put a <<Ninja>> OR a card with [Set] from your drop zone into your hand. This is not OPT Restricted, so you can use Thundering Gao to Re[^] him and allow a second attack, which let`s you have a second [Set] Spell return from drop. You can recycle [Set]s from your drop with Princes, and then use Akatsuki to put cards faster into the soul. This recursion system allows for the usability of multiple set spells and a good amount of drop zone recycling to put cards from deck into hand from field into drop back to hand. This is the preferred Buddy in the deck and amazing in this deck.

An Extra Section to explain how this works
     First we start our turn by [Set]ing "Party Formed" and an additional Mission (Either The Teamwork or Defeat Monsters for Pressure or Rest at Naziro for Recovery), which activates Party Formed to search out an Adventurer (Either Item or Prince Akatsuki) from your deck and gain some nice life. This puts Party Formed into the drop zone. Then call Princes Akatsuki to your side, Thunder Brave Gao, and Messiah Tasuku, as well as having equipped either Etherstorm for wall clearing, or New Brave Seeker, for draw power. Give Crit ALWAYS to Prince Akatsuki. Attack solely with Tasuku, let him die. Now link with Prince Akatsuki and your item. It will deal 4-5 Damage on first link, and fuel the soul. You then use Prince Akatsuki to pick up any Misison Card you used before hand. Next you link with Gao and the second attack of your item, This will activate Gao to pay 1 gauge, and stand Gao AND Akatsuki. Second Link will fuel Teamworks soul and Second attack to destroy a center monster will fuel Defeat Monsters depending on Situation. Then swing by themselves to maximize damage, or one final link. The second attack of Akatsuki will allow you to put back "Party Formed" into hand to reuse on your turn again. Each turn, recycling cards from drop, getting back your monsters and Mission spells, searching them out if something goes wrong. Repeat over and over as you keep stacking cards in your hand and recycling all these cards. It`s an oddly fun and refreshing deck experience that rewards an unorthodox way of playing. Most decks like to go aggro and focus solely on their monsters for the engine, The Missions in this case act as the engine and the monsters act as the cogs while all work together. If you have BFA Or a couple loose cards around, the deck can be very budget friendly and is a total blast to play in a casual environment. They were never made to be seen together, but since they are together, they make a nice picture of a consistent deck that holds the original image of <<Adventurer>>s that the deck moved away from a bit. So let`s go from me rambling to me explaining the obvious.
Why is Krillin not viable for EVO? I-I mean...Why is Akatsuki not viable for BCS?
     If you actually decide to read this section with legitimate questioning on why Akatsuki isn't meta, then I just recommend getting off now. Akatsuki was an accident of a Meme deck that is just fun to play and offers a unique play style. It doesn't have card draw or pressure up the ass like Chaos or Sun Dragons (By the way, Got damn Suns are going crazy). It`s the definition of an meme-deck. A clump of collectible cards carrying confidence cradling crazy combinations. If this deck wants to succeed (which it humanly cannot), it would need legitimately BROKEN cards, I`m talking cards made to be as unfair as possible. Chaos Territory on the Sides so you can have 4 AKATSUKI`S! Perfect plan.

     Just kidding, that is stupid. In short, the support they need is just more power to get past the new power creeped decks. Since their link attacks already provide the numbers and their main win condition is soul manipulation through the set spells, it is more likely to just give them something that gives their damage potential rather then power.


      Boom, I decided to make universal, so everyone can enjoy moving cards around like a money trafficking deal. Oni Assassains can use it when you move cards from soul to soul. As well as when using Akatsuki`s main gimmick of moving cards into your Mission Cards, the critical helps regarding adding pressure to center monsters, and on link attacks to do massive penetrate damage as the deck is not made to do pressure but just win through resource gaining so the critical pressure helps in the more aggressive gameplay.

I Suck at keeping promises, also in retrospect
     I do not believe the guy who developed the new Akatsuki and Zanya card for the X Booster knew about the other two Akatsuki cards and just made a pretty good splashable card to make the quota on the booster. Again, this was likely when the new R&D Director for Buddyfight likely was trying to get his feet wet to see what worked and what didn't, and seeing how early the set came in Japan as opposed to the west, it's just a hunch to assume that the guy got lucky and made something intentional. Whether you agree on the new directors card design or not, guy has the ideas and a lot of decks are fun to play with, albeit not against...Godpunks...
     If you want a fun, casual deck that has an interesting play style and overall win-con, I recommend Akatsuki as your choice to play. The deck is super cheap all things considered since all the key pieces are commons, and the extra half of the deck is made of bulk commons you probably have in your storage. So try it out and see how it does, it could surprise you as it did me on its fun, unique, and unconventional play-style.
     I think the next episode will be a bit different...I want to show my thoughts on all the new Ace decks that are out, and with so many decks being released at once (At the time of this video, 10 new Attributes), its clearly a new time to start Buddyfighting, and with the massive delays for the English release of the new cards, you have a ton of time to try the decks in BFA and see what you find fun and if you want to join the game. I hope you leave a like below, a comment, or just how you feel. Thank you and have a Rockin Summer!!