Sunday, August 26, 2018

S Character Pack 1: SHIN-It's the X Character Pack, but in a good way.

     So the Character Pack reveals are finally coming in and we finally have good foundation of all THREE decks in the booster that we can do a small little explanation and dissection of all the new cards. I did say three because a third attribute entered the fray, they have a unique mechanic and they seem to be used by Ranma, so that will be cool! Wanted to write this since I've been having fun play testing around with all the decks and I have come to several conclusions on DBD and DDT, and just a small mention on the new DiD deck and how they contribute to the game. So with everything settled, put on your Dragon hazmat suit.

      Let us begin.      

 Deity Dragon Tribe

Okay so speaking of the new poster boy of Buddyfight, not only is he getting this batch of support, but also a brand new Katana deck as well as three other Gargantua decks later in the fall. It may not be DDT but my god this dragon is insane. He has gotten four brand new forms in this set alone. Acute Mode shown here working with the new Garrapier and link attack focused. Legion Mode focuses on field swarming and bringing out a new fresh field once your item attacks to either gain resources through the Gar-animal trio, or a new monster to take some monsters down like Glom Gardra while Garga attacks. Charing is literally just a massive battery, gauging you for three, gaining you one life and a draw and finally Daybreak Garga is basically Rescue Drum, so always nice to have. The support lineup gives them monster destruction, to size 1 counter recovery, to G-EVO shenanigans and even more protection with their new Blue Dragon Shield and a counter 5 life which might not seem much but is always a good tech in if the un-revivable impacts start to creep back into the game. All in all, plenty of amazing cards are coming for DDT and I expect them to get a possible resurgence back into the Meta-game even if a little they got a ton more resource gaining and the pressure and G-EVO potential to pull out more damage then before. So yeah DDT is AOK!!....God using these short-term names makes me cringe...

Dragon Blood Division (The Revisit)

The True MVP of the deck
Dragon Blood Division is a closed center deck. You got monsters who can go into Bloody Eye's soul, stacking him for counterattacks, as well as them the cards in soul giving him extra effects like crit up and card destruction. They also now have opponent discard tools, resource gain tools, and an ability to stand for another attack which when you can stack 3 Perpetuity in Eye's soul, can hit for a lot. All they need now is a faster way to get Bloody Eyes, which will happen, and the deck can just speed into advantage. Their toolkit of spells are nice also. Elegante for all your destruction needs, Graziozo for your always needed kosher, Taboos for resource and Infinite Phantom for your draw power going into your turn to keep your weaklings alive and to fetch more guys to shove into Bloody Eye's soul. We have the livestream tomorrow (6:30 AM EST for those interested) to see the rest of the Division and their support, but for now they do have options to tackle decks that do have effect destruction nullification. It's a small set of options but its there. I have been having a good amount of fun with the deck due to its uniqueness from other Dragon World decks and I am happy to have more diversity in Dragon rather then the same mundane we are used to. If you love Dragon World but never liked playing the hero role, how about a switch to the dark side?

Dimensional Dragon
    Okay bob, you have one job in this blog. To put a picture of a buddyfight card in the picture section...ONE JOB! THIS IS JUST A PICTURE OF AN ENGINE! HOW DO YOU MESS THAT UP?!

Wha wha wha wha whaaaaa

    What do you mean this is a Buddyfight card? That's a picture of an engine. Here let me show you a picture of an actual engine.

    See bob, this is a buddyfight card, not an engine...What do you mean they look the same? 

                                                              Wha wha wha wha whaaaaa

     For the love of Gao, these are not the same thing! Let me show you if you want to act like a smarty pants!  


See the differences?! Now if you are going to tell me straight to my face that Dragon World Dimensional Dragons are basically just a massive engine to turbo into Lost World...THEN I AM DONE WITH YOU BOB!!!

Wha wha whaaaaa


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