Sunday, October 21, 2018

Black Dragons -The True Darkness Dragons-


    God that sound's like a Click-bait title, "BUSHIROAD DOESN'T WANT YOU PLAYING THIS DECK?!", but anyway. Black Dragons DID NOT START in D-SD03, much to everyones' surprise and shock, but actually started in TD06: Dark Pulse. Dark Pulse...was basically a terrible deck with basically three attributes clawing for space from Black Dragons, to Death Rulers, and Purgatory Knights all fighting to say "OH THIS IS MY DECK!", but enough about that.

     Black Dragons were an aggro focused deck based on monster destruction and burn through simple game play and field destruction. They did not as most instances try to attack the opponent but most of the time through the monsters through an ability known as "Spectral Strike". Spectral Strike has gotten upgrades throughout the years, but somehow not enough to be viable so I still have no idea how they expect us to do anything besides hit and pray. Spectral Strike for the first three two years was "When this card attacks and destroys an opponent's monster, deal ? damage", the damage was usually 1-2 but to balance it, their stats would be pretty garbage compared to other cards. They had okay recursion and the spell lineup of DDW Would help them immensely clawing through the battleground for two years, until they retconed them into a stall deck. I can understand why in terms of design, see for all of you "CASUALS" cards are usually made YEARS in advance so that they can be balance tested and calculated in terms of power scaling and usability. Meaning that before Buddyfight even was announced, the first 2 seasons were made of cards so that they didn't have any rush jobs or mistakes in printing (to a degree). This does cause a problem though which is that if the community has a problem with how the game is going, the company cannot fix it immediately and would take some time to show actual change in the game as a whole. This is one of the reasons why DDD did not have the best reception, since after the first release of Buddyfight, they went right into DDD development and just made a ton of new things. This is why we have Gao using Sun Dragons, Black Dragons being changed completely, and a lot of new decks hitting the scene because they were not in that original two year time period. There was also a ton of OTHER issues behind the scenes, but most is just speculative while only a few things have been discovered to have truly happened, but that's neither here nor there. We got the original design of Black Dragons and that's what I used as my first real deck into the they were pretty cheap all things considered. SO LET'S GO INTO THE MADNESS AND BECOME THE TRUE EDGELORDS!!

"B-But I am edgy..."


So let's begin

The Lineup

    The first card released for Black Dragons was actually in the Dragon VS Danger Booster as their Buddy Rare. Death Dragon, Deathgaze Dragon is a size 1 Black Dragon/Death/Deep with 6/1/1 for stats and a 1 gauge [Call Cost]. He has the ability of Spectral Strike where when he destroys a monster, he deals 2 damage to your opponent. Great when dealing with weak monsters and decent stat size 2`s, but the issue came around when your opponent does not play monsters onto the field. or their monsters have higher stats then usual, Deathgaze just doesn't cut it. You needed a balance of Spectral Strike damage and normal damage in order to balance from attacking monsters to attacking opponent's life, and this guy was not cutting it as much. Combined with the low defense and he was easily weak to any form of destruction or target, you had a monster that on paper was amazing, but in execution had a lot of flaws. I recommend other cards ahead of him. His forms made after do a lot of work also for less of a cost.

     Now this...This is a nicely designed Black Dragon (for it's time). Bloody Moon Dragon is a size 2 Black Dragon/Deep/Star? With a 7/2/1 Baseline, free to call and a Spectral Strike 1. Free, simple to use, great power for the time to clear monsters, great critical damage to hit into the opponent's face. JUST...GOOD! Vanilla beaters with high stats that deal damage in both scenarios, that is what Black Dragons are and my god they were a fun aggro burn deck. If you run a Season 1 only tourney, max this guy, this guy was buddy material for how versatile he can be. I cannot say much since it's so simple, but it is in that simplicity where it shines.

      Black Dragon, Maveltaker is the size 3 boss of the deck. For 3 gauge, you get a 7/2/8 body which isn't bad with Spectral Strike 1 and [Double Attack]. Not bad for the time he came out at like a 2-of but not really something you can easily get back once you invested. Black Dragons at the time had a size 1 and 2 drop zone recursion spell so the open center formation with 2 monsters was more preferred. Plus we wouldn't get a Boomerang "Clone" until the end of the Hundred Era, so no good size 0`s were here to help this guy if you wanted formation. Was okay as a two-of for its time, but a card later on in the year would outclass it in terms of usability and overall pressure, and take its spot in the Black Dragon Throne. So yeah, guy was okay, just not as much now.

     Now this is an item! See the spikes, See the actual "edge", this is what Black Dragon items should be. Not tattoos. Evil Death Scythe is a 4/2 for 1 gauge with built in Spectral Strike 1. Card Destruction was not as rampant as it is now, so he was pretty good as a mini Spectral Strike against small fry creatures while the bigger power cards like Bloody Moon or Deathgaze would kill bigger defense cards. This also has the actual BENEFIT of being 2 critical. Yes that is a benefit for OG Black Dragons, because they REALLY wanted you to just attack monsters, which we were okay with doing, but also there are times we need to slam into the opponent's face with mass prejudice. This was the staple item of Black Dragons for 2 years until they got replaced with their stall deck, but for the two years he was out, Evil Death Scythe was a "cut" above other items and now sits proud in the armory of weapons, to be remembered fondly for its contributions to the deck.
Also I just realized...this isn't even a Black Dragon attributed item...Well #($.

      Small little mention of Black Dragon Shield here because at the time, it was the superior one of the Dragon Shield Trio. Its ability was to reduce damage, and not nullify an attack. This helped with regarding mass burn damage, and as well to use as a shield like green. A very versatile tool that drew people to the deck, just mentioning it here cause while it is "Black Dragon Shield" it doesn't support the Black Dragon attribute.

     Devil Stigma, Devil Stigma. You were when first shown, ahead of your time. A Counter speed monster destruction for resources and life. A valuable asset to all DDW Decks and a viable card to use in that time period. However, this card is a bit controversial in it's overall recognition. Some will say this was the best card ever made while others find it an overrated piece of garbage. How can a card be so divisive without even being X Levels of cancer...
The wording
     Devil Stigma, as the forefather of counter monster destruction, was given a more particular wording then other cards that would come later. With the destruction being in the ability itself and not in the call cost, some ruling scenarios would actually give you a minus for using it if your opponent was smart. Later versions of this card was given different wording to use, as Counter Rulings have changed to match the card effects, but using this depends. I used it in my builds and I found it an excellent combo piece, but to each their own. Use if you want. Modern Black Dragon decks have better cards and this guy isn't really needed.


Relatively okay, but mostly seen as crap.

So you want me to not only get over the fact it is a size 1 with 3000 power and 0 crit, you think the spectral strike 2 is gonna cut it?! .


Honestly, it was okay. The ability to burn when the opponent nullifies is very good, and it was taken by OG Yamigedo so it was a good ability on execution. It isn't even OPT so it can do some good damage if your opponent doesn't prepare. Hell, the card even has the Vanity Destroyer effect of not being able to recover life by effects. DUDE! This card was really a nice card, why didn't most people use it?

[Cast Cost] [Pay 2 gauge and you deal 1 damage]

Oh. Yeah that was a big cost even then. It was a big investment and Black Dragons did not have an engine to get it running like most decks do nowadays for sets. If this was made today, it would be so good and cheap and actually amazing, but as it stands, it's okay. If your build could handle the steep gauge cost, run it in an older build.

    Okay so we got one last duo of cards to talk about from the first seasons pseudo "Climax Booster", Golden Buddy Pack Ver E, AKA Ratio Hell. The Japanese release seemingly had better pull rates on its higher rarity cards while in the US........getting one of the rare cards of the set was 1 in 4 boxes. But it was still okay for a little while on useful cards as we got these two beauties.

     Graveyard of Demonic Swords, Graybard is're having a moment. Yeah, this was 3 and a half years ago.
for everyone else, Graybard here was a titular size 3 in many builds of DDW back in the day because it was just a solid 2 of. No one cared about the 7/2/7 stats, what they cared about was the on call Pop a monster and burn for the size of the card destroyed. This was basically a spell on legs, call it to the field and watch a high power monster on your opponent's field basically die and get burned for 2 or 3. It was a good sideboard card and an excellent card to run in the deck of that time. He's been power-creeped out but man, this guy was so memorable back in the day. It's surprising to even write that he's bad now, because if you started from the beginning, this was nothing but good for a long while. Use only in season based decks, because the passage of time has hit him like a brick.  

     Eternal Silence, Orbit is basically Deathgaze on size 2. It was only SLIGHTLY BETTER because a size 2 with 8k that can deal 2 damage on monster pop is okay, plus the size 2 lineup back then was just Bloody Moon, Death Wizard (who is a Zlatarog clone)...and god what else did we use? El Huracan was okay but it was just sortof wishywashy when we had Bloody Moon. Grobius was garbage.....No one used Gafnar, god no. Dalleon was basically Gafner but only harder to call. .....Yeah the lineup was like 4 Bloody Moon, 4 Death Wizard...cause Black Dragons had gauge issues so Death Wizard was used a bit and....

I'm going off tangent. Okay card, if you going for PURE Spectral pressure, this over Bloody Moon, but if you have a microbe of cells in your 2 of em. 

Well, that was easy to get through these guys. So it's time for Buddyfight 100 and the support for Black Dragons slowed down immensely. Mostly because Buddyfight has shifted into a brand new formula, 4 Main Booster sets with extra boosters around it to do some support for other decks and other worlds. So the support slows to a halt with 1 to 2 things per every few set, the first being...

     Violence Familiar is a Black Dragon Impact that you WILL use at the start of your battle phase (if you actually use this card). It increases all Spectral Strike damage by 1 for the turn. This has gotten better with time with cards like the new Bloodknife and Phantom Getter giving you better bonuses for using Spectral Strike. It has in a sense become a pseudo crit up because it can boost both of your monsters and Bloodknife, and with Bloodknife and a card we'll talk about later giving your entire field Spectral Strike, this can be a good two of if your deck has the room for it. Just depends on the climate since the condition is now easier to use. Cost is also cheap since Black Dragons have gauge options to spare....OH DOWNSIDES! Basically a waste cause Spectral Strike Black Dragons don't have any card effect destruction resistance, so if they pop the attacking monster, it's a waste of a card....Ya know honestly I cannot believe this has gotten better....I...I have no idea what else to say...Just next card before I scare myself

     Now this was a good card. Black Dragon, Befreien is a size 1 1/2/1 Black Dragon/Destruction/Hundred Demons that on attack pops an opponent's monster. Just POP, boom, destroy. Remember, this is before Card Destruction became so rampant and an ability like this was just big at the time, not uber broken but still powerful. Put this against a wall you did not like, you popped it. Was nice to have in the HD Build, and a good card in Black Dragons. Only issue is that his destruction is by effect and on attack, so you only could use him in certain situations. He isn't as good anymore but still okay.

This card sucks. Left's move on.

     Now a good card. Deathgaze SD is a 6/1/1 for FREE (It says you need a Black Dragon Buddy but come on, that's not a condition). You get SS1 so you immediately invalidate Gracia and Cold Blade. AND When he destroys an opponent's monster, you send a gauge to drop. You do not CHOOSE the gauge, just one gets sent. Super versatile and it bonuses you for attacking the monsters with this guy and bringing out shields because no one likes losing gauge (back in the days, now its like gauge is basically the same price as breathing). A very good card in the spectral strike build as a 2-3 of due to the recursion in the deck and the pressure. He is a good boi. Good deathgaze.

Okay so Absolute Attack is absolutely decent. It's a free Counter Nullifier in a deck that needs to not be countered. It gets over cannot be nullified since you cant cast it in the first place. Its still a wash in terms of effect since nowadays its more just built in to the bloody cards. Again, only gotten better with time for Black Dragon Spectral Strike, but the bar was not there to begin with...guess you can use it....Look Spectral Strike Black Dragons are in a bad place, just....just don't even try.

Okay so we're at the end of the generation, before Black Dragons became about some emo prick then a lovable douche bag. Their entire playstyle changed overnight and now this is the final batch before the new stuff takes over. Did Bushiroad give Black Dragons in the final main booster amazing support to show their love for the playstyle, and to the fans who were dedicated for 2 years?


     Jinxed Landfall, Curse Count is a 5/1/1 for 1 gauge. His Spectral Strike is the first unique Spectral Strike yet, as it is 1 usually, but when you have four or more DIFFERENT Black Dragon MONSTERS in your drop zone, he becomes Spectral Strike 4. Seems easy, seems SUPER cheap, seems amazing, but you need to realize how big this restriction is in order to actually understand the LEVEL of garbage here. You need not only 4 Black Dragon Monsters, BUT THEY ALL NEED TO BE DIFFERENT! This isn't like New Black Dragons where theirs hand traps and various forms and spells and stuff. This is "You run 4 of the good ones and a small amount of the garbage" Ones. Let me count all the Amazing Spectral Strike cards
Bloody Moon
Deathgaze SD
Befrien (You were using it, do not lie to me)
Death Wizard

I just listed a few but you need MOST OF THOSE IN DROP! Which is so late into the game where it does not matter! AND THEIRS NO DROP ZONE ACCEL FROM TRIPLE D TO BACK THESE GUYS UP!

Just do not use this guy...please...please don't.

One of the worst cards ever made.

So we have 0 amazing cards for Spectral Strike and it's being revealed at this point about Impact Monsters. We got one set left and it's about these "INVERSE" Omni Lords. It has all worlds but let's be honest. Black Dragons were a gimmick of their time and

...Whats that? I Forgot someone? It isn't listed here on the Spectral Strike list?

.............Oh yeah...Him......PUT HIM ON SCREEN BOYS!

     Void Omni Wicked Lord, Negulbalz is a Size 2 6/2/3 Black Dragon/Deep/Destruction Attribute with a one gauge [Call Cost]. He has the Omni Lord Keyword (And lore that will never be referenced again) and he has the ability to burn your opponent when an opponent's monster is destroyed equal to their size.
SO THIS WAS AMAZING AND COOL AND A GREAT SEND OFF! It not only had a cheap call cost, filled a good hole in the Black Dragon Line-up, was a free burn for dealing with bigger threats, had good stats to deal with the big guys at the time, but his burn was just unreal. He did more damage then most Spectral Strike either by attacking or through the burn. We had Death Grip and a new reusable destruction spell to use to proc his guy on yours and your opponent's turn. His burn was also not OPT so it can be used to just burn life, plus it counted multiple destruction so that was nice. Overall an amazing card for the Black Dragon deck, and a great sendoff to the deck before Bushi stomped on our dreams.

And that was the end of the original Black Dragons, a rough batch of cards who had power issues all over the place, and cards that cannot keep up with the times or even had a chance. Probably why they switched Black Dragons over to the new stall variety to give them a new taste of life, but it left people who bought into the deck a void in their heart and just cards to leave in the bulk box. Bushi wouldn't try to bring the deck back, instead just giving it a spiritual successor in EDD, but still was a big blow to see the deck go. So much of a blow in fact, that their was ONLY 2 SUPPORT CARDS IN TRIPLE D. (I actually forgot about 1...Probably because it was crap.)

     Blade of Lament, Sadgrieve is basically Deathgaze as an item. That is all you need to know. We get a better item next year, and if you wanted to go PURE Spectral Strike, you had Evil Death Scythe to think about, which not only was cheaper, but had 2 Crit. THEN Their was the biggest competition of Gale Scythe, the item for Mill Black Dragons which was the same cost, but a 6/3 item. So yeah, I say if you go for Triple D Era SS Black Dragons Build, look to see if your build would prefer this, or Gale Scythe, or Death Scythe. Because it doesn't matter next year.

So onto the real support. 

     Armorknight Deathgaze is a size 1 6/1/1 Black Dragon/Armorknight Dual Card. This was I think the second set to introduce Dual Cards so this was with the Danger stuff to show off the capabilities of Dual Cards. He is a simple boring Spectral Strike, nothing to see.....

What do you mean that's the wrong ability? .....This card was mistranslated for 3 weeks and no one caught it?!



       Armorknight Deathgaze is a size 1 6/1/1 Black Dragon/Armorknight Dual Card. He is the start of a new generation of Spectral Strike because I think the card designer realized how terrible it was the first time. The new Spectral Strike is "When your opponent's monster is destroyed by an attack, deal one damage to your opponent.". So basically anytime your opponent's monster is destroyed by an attack, Spectral Strike 1. It burns so much faster then the OG Deathgaze and will stack for multiple destruction, so restanding helps and stacking it with multiple Deathgazes just burns more. Its a necessity in the deck because its just a free floating burn damage waiting to happen. This was the cornerstone for all Spectral support going forward...all...4 of it I think, and for good reason since it is a modern version of Spectral Strike with a much bigger threat to your opponent.

     So Black Dragons were on their THIRD Playstyle, and with a new booster set focusing on DDW coming out soon for X. I guess the new Bushiroad developer decided "Hey, let's try and revive the old Black Dragon Deck". An admirable cause but the space needed to reboot them from the brink is near impossible, but he at least tried.

      Black Poison Dragon, Bloodknife is 7/0 Item for 1 gauge and actually IS A BLACK DRAGON WEAPON! Took these guys 4 years to get one. That is sad. So it gives all Black Dragon Monsters on your field +2000 power to hit over new defenses, which is nice, and it gives the Deathgaze Spectral Strike to your entire field, which again, is nice. Not meta or overpowered but nice that the item just buffs your field doubling the Spectral Damage. Its better then Death Scythe because it gives Spectral Strike and buffs, and in a sense better then Sadgrieve because its damage is from multiple sources and not just from his attack. I would run this at 4 but it's up to your discretion.

     Phantom Getter is NOT a Black Dragon [Set] (For no bloody reason), but a free [Set] that when your opponent is dealt damage via spectral strike, you choose a card at random and discard it and you draw a card. This is only OPT though. Sadly cannot be done on your opponent's turn, which would be so gooood, but this is still search able by Zillowzest, and I WAS gonna go on this long thing about being able to splash in other Black Dragon cards that rely on sets, BUT SINCE THOSE NEED A BLACK DRAGON SET WHICH
Run at like 3 copies and have a fun time milling their hand.


     Tenacious Omni Lord, Negulbalz is a size 2 Black Dragon/Deep/Destruction just as he was before but now with 1 less crit but an even more dangerous ability. When a monster OR item on your opponent's field is destroyed in anyway, you mill their deck equal to the number of critical on the destroyed card, and burn them for each card sent. Basically its a buff to dealing more damage to weaker monsters, not being able to hit size 0`s for 1-2 damage, and size 1`s from 1-4 damage depending on the card. Size 2`s have their range of like 1-God Knows how much, but it does not count original critical, so if your opponent is playing Duel Golems let's say and your opponent has like a 7 crit Dra-gollum without effect destruction, get yourself a grill cause BOI ITS GONNA BURN! He also gains Double Attack so he can destroy more monsters on the same turn. Defense is going to be an issue since 3K is easy to hit over, but with Poison Knife, he gains Spectral Strike 1 INCLUDING THE BURN and 8K hits over most things. A great upgrade to the old Negulbalz, IF ONLY HE WASN'T IN ONE OF THE WORST PRINTED SETS TO MANKIND!

     Dear god that was too many. I am sticking to archetypes and not attributes, because I am not looking through 12 cards like this again...jesus this took so long. I think I need an easy target next time...Cobalt. Doing Cobalt, its like 5 cards. I can do that easily. Just wow I wanted this done so badly and when I thought I only had a few, a couple more took it's place. Like dude...this is annoying. I want to know the word count but I have no idea of checking.

     Oh...You're waiting for me to make up some cards? ...Honestly I think I agree with Bushiroad and let these guys stay dead. They didn't become the main play style for some reason, whether it is lack of innovative ideas, needing to balance around certain cards or just it was pushed out too fast and the developer wanted to push it under the rug, Black Dragon Spectral Strike stands as one of only a few attributes of Buddyfight to plain die and be replaced with something else, since I don't know any other attribute just cut life support to its main mechanic and start a different one from scratch, or at least to this severity. If you want to play a successor to Black Dragons, it seems like EDD is your call. If you like being super aggressive, then you have plenty of decks to do it nowadays. I just recommend to do another deck then try to bring back the past, ESPECIALLY BUYING NEGULBALZ, god no that set was god awful.

     I want to thank everyone for waiting so long for this project, reading all of it would explain why it took so long. It took about a month to do and proves that I probably should stick to smaller things. Thank you again for reading and look forward to the next one. If you want more reading goodness, a friend of mine "Thenightshadow" has updated his Buddyfight Blog with some of his words on the new updates to the irregular list, which is a good read and helps explain some of the decisions made by bushiroad regarding the Banlist. So check him out!

                   So please you guys, PLEASE HAVE A NICEST DAY!!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

The New Decks of SBT02 "A Collection of Steel Blades and Metal Bodies

    So this is a surprise, we get three weeks of no real news and then BAM! THREE NEW DECKS IN 3 DAYS! HERE'S EXCELBLADE! HERE'S DDT KATANA, HERES DRAGMETAL! Jesus guys, calm down. Next week you`ll be spoiling us S-UB03. So anyway, a new set of attributes are coming out and everyone's just like "Oh hey cooool". So I wanted to explain the three of them as a fun little thing as people seem to love when I talk about them. So not to hold you guys waiting.

Hereee we go!!


All properties go to Freedomduo
     Excelblade is the brand new attribute of Katana World along with Electrodeity and the new DDT Katana deck. These guys are based around the heart and soul of the samurai, not striking until the time is right. This deck is super item dependent, but the payoff and good damage it can do now is pretty nice. The main card THIS TIME is the item (named after the anime character) Excelblade Godslash, KANESADA, which for 1 life gives you a 10/1/6 on an item which is Nice, but then it gets even better where all <<Bladedancer>> (Including itself) cannot be rest by card effects, and this card cannot be destroyed or returned to hand. So only thing that can stop this is Godpunks, and that's because Godpunks are a degenerate archetype but I digress. This also has Counterattack so when someone attacks this alone, you can kill any small fry. Excellent item, search able by the attributes searcher, and its "Restriction" of not being able to call to the center is not even an issue as most Katana decks are open world to begin with. Meaning at THIS STAGE of the decks life, only knowing about 5-6 cards, we know a good direction of the deck for a basis to play, and theirs a ton of things the deck can get in order to make it more viable in opposition of the Lost World oppression going on right now on BFA. Their main monster, KUROGANE destroys a monster on each turn and deals 2 damage while also gaining you two damage If your weapon is in Stand. NEO will gauge 1 and draw 1 for you on each of its double attacks when your weapon is IN Stand. and SUZU is your searcher for any of your monsters, item or the impact which we will get to. and she gains DA and Pene if you have your item....This time it doesn't ask for stand BUT IT WOULD IF SHE COULD! So onto the impact which is actually pretty darn neat. 
     Pinnacle of Iai, "Godspeed" is only usable when you ate attacked and your <<Excelblade>> is in [Stand] position. For 1 gauge and 1 life. You can nullify the attack. Then nullify the abilities of the cards attacking and destroy all cards in the attack. THEN If a card was destroyed, deal 3 damage. Easy to cast, Easy to use, search able by Suzu and basically a great counter when combined with KUROGANE. Deal 2 with KUROGANE then deal 3 with this guy. 5 damage in one turn when you haven't even attacked yet, is a very good amount and unlike other Counter Finals, this one does not need you to jump through hoops to get to use it, you just play your deck as you always play it and theirs no issue. I would see an issue is this was the only shield in the deck, but since modern buddyfight design overextends on what a deck needs. Their probably gonna get a shield. All in all, Excelblade is gonna turn out to be a fun deck to play in the coming months and hopefully budget friendly with only 1 RRR and 1 RR as we know of. If you are looking towards the path of the Samurai, choose Excelblade as your deck.

Deity Dragon Tribe (Katana)

     So this is a surprise to an extent. We knew Garba being usable in all worlds made it something of a gimmick that was going to be explored, but it was gonna happen sooner or later. Instead of the Drum Method of being curbstomped into other worlds, the other worlds are being built around him, but instead of an Astrodragon Garga or a Linkdragon Garga...he goes with Ninja`s. So again the Ninja deck goes for a more aggressive approach for combat with a backup discard engine for Ninja Arts spells to keep your opponent at bay. Also Naruto references. So let's get on to understanding this new deck and why I actually find it kinda fun to mess around with. 

     Gargantua Wind Demon Dragon is the big G-EVO for the deck His ability allows him to basically use the most underused mechanic in buddyfight to date. The TOKEN MECHANIC FROM BT02! I KNOW! I FORGOT THEY DID THAT ALSO! This one makes 6/2/6 Dragod Size 0 monsters at Counter Speed and allows you to make a second one if you have a G-EVO Card in soul. I did not say by USING G-EVO, I said a G-EVO in soul, so you can call JUST THIS and put a copy of himself or OG Garga into soul and then BOOM! Tokens. Also like shown in the anime, they can be called over monsters, so in case you need to do it in a defensive measure, there you go. They were also given a ton of discard to draw outlets. Their item discards a <<Ninja Arts>> to block an attack plus boost the power and crit of all monsters on your field for Wind Demon plays. They have a card that takes ALL Copies of itself out of the deck, so basically a +3, which you can then use to discard or use as gauge fodder. They also got a Shiden Clone on a set with monster and item protection, and a Flarefang clone that procs on discard to draw. It is simple in the game play but oddly fun in execution. It isn't just Dragon World degeneracy in a new flag. You have to decide when to discard and when to call to proc effects and keep the engine going. I had a good time playing on BFA with these guys for a bit and I hope people enjoy them too.

**Begins Writing this part Friday Morning**
Oh hey, a video showing off Dragmetal, I wonder how they play?

**Its a Control and Burn deck**
TCGBuzz Jacob and I looking at the new cards


     OH MY GOD, A CONTROL DECK FOCUSED ON TAKING OVER YOUR OPPONENT'S AREAS! I INSTANTLY LOVE IT AND WILL PLAY IT ON BFA TILL THEY STOP GETTING SUPPORT! I think people know by now that I am more of a control player in Buddyfight, see as how I play burn decks focused on effect destruction and crippling my opponent. So this is just bliss to me. They just got revealed today (as of the writing of this part of the blog) and they are focused specifically on controlling the board and gaining advantage.
     Their main mechanic of Dragmetal is "Oppression", where for 1 gauge, you can put these guys on your opponent's left and right OPEN areas and they are then considered "OPPRESSED" areas. I will put some of the bullet points of Oppressed areas below, but for the sake of this blog, an oppressed area is basically an extra area where your monsters can go. You take over your opponent's left and right so you can put Size 0`s in your own left and right zone (And they are gonna get a Size 0, don't you worry) and have about 5-6 attacks of low damage, but mostly to bother the center and destroy cards on the left and right to be able to take over. Their main monster is the bad boy up there Lostknight: Nero Lance, who during your turn, can "Oppress" an opponent's area for one gauge. Then at the end of your turn, if this card was in an Oppressed area, you deal 2 damage to your opponent. Quick burn against your opponent and other Dragmetals, like his original form Argento Lance, gives you a DEL Effect when oppressing an area, so it gives advantage and burn. Rosso is going to be your center shield, becoming a Size 1 5/3/5 that can for free return a monster from your opponent's field to their hand. Use that to pop a free soul or just bounce something out of an area that needs Oppression. Giallo Mace to power bump your entire field by +3/+3 to make your Nero`s hit 8K, your Rosso`s hit 8K, and the eventually size 0`s hit something at all. The two spells revealed, Seiji Kido Defense and Cho-Tokyo Gambit are also interesting. Seiji Defense prevents your Dragmetal monster from being destroyed FOR THE ENTIRE TURN, while also being a nifty drop zone pick up spell. Cho-Tokyo Gambit though returns all monsters to hand like...the original Gambit, but also if you want gives you a gauge and 2 draws if you control both of your opponent's areas. Good draw, good defense, good protection all around, and we haven't even seen all the cards yet, but I already love the concept of the deck and their designs. The inorganic feel of the guys gives off a mechanical vibe, but their organic-like bodies suggest otherwise. Sort of a mix of the unknown animalistic designs known in chess, with more monstrous aesthetics. Its an interesting design and concept. We know for now that Dragmetal is going to have 1 RRR and 2 RR as of now, but in time I can see them getting more R`s and C`s to make the deck more budget friendly. I might actually buy this deck when it comes out if I get the chance. It isn't some super evil antagonist deck, and the cards are powerful but not too powerful besides the control for right now. I cannot wait to play these guys in BFA...however I don't think theirs card moving in BFA for across the field so testing these guys may be a little awkward at first, but I WILL GET THROUGH IT IN ORDER TO DEAL THE BURN!!!!
     If you think this deck appeals to the Oppressor in you, I recommend picking up the Dragmetal deck!

In Dragmetal..I mean Conclusion

     Dragmetal is awesome, Excelblade is cool, and DDT Katana is now boring to me after seeing such a cool deck like Dragmetal. I do have a feeling though Bushiroad has the right idea making a second attribute with the main 3 worlds their supporting in order to create diversity. No matter how many times they can put Dragon World in a set, people are going to get tired of too many options for one deck and so having options on what to play, even if its the same world helps spice up the variety of decks shown throughout the season and will bring a lot new decks to life throughout the first Ace season. I do have a theory though in a sense that in S-BT03, they're going to add a new Ancient World attribute that opposes Linkdragon Order, as Dragmetal in a sense opposes Astrodragons. Its a good guy vs bad guy situation and I feel it makes sense to give Ancient World a second attribute to use for the season, seeing how SBT03 support is going to split SDW support into Astrodragons and Dragmetal now. It's just a small theory and I am probably correct, but it doesn't hurt for small speculation as long as you aren't shoving it down someones throat. So I hope you guys enjoy this small look at my next set of spending mistakes and I hope you do not do the same thing as I will do. 

(P.S NOTE BEFORE THE OPPRESS BULLET NOTES, A Small image of a Size 0 Dragmetal has appeared online, however it's so small that it is untranslatable at the moment, but I will now take my correctness and dance because I WAS RIGHT!)

The unofficial Bullet list of rulings regarding Oppession (9/22/18)

  • Your opponent cannot call a monster to an Oppressed area
  • An Oppressed area counts as an area on your field and not your opponents.
  • You can have a maximum of 5 monsters on your field if you Oppress two of your opponent's circles (3 Size 1's and 2 Size 0`s)
  • Your opponent must destroy the monster in the Oppressed area in order to return the area back to their possession (the method of doing it is irrelevant though, as long as you get that area open legally)

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Droids - Don't do Droids, M'kay.

     Hello everyone, and welcome back to basically the mediocre corner where I show you the vast and unparalleled domains of Hero Worlds bajillion decks. There are twelve archetypes according to Buddyfight Wikia, and that is way more then needed, and those are just speaking of archetypes, theirs also all the attributes Hero World has gotten over the years, if you thought of it, it's probably in Hero World somewhere. So because I am burned out from all the decks I had to review, let's look at something simple, something small, some random Hero World archetype Bushi put into a set and was immediately forgotten about! Sterdroids!

The Dangers of Sterdroid abuse
     Droids were an archetype of cards from D-BT04: Shine!! Super we wasted a lot of that set. From the Black Dragon support I did not ask for to the Trap deck that Bushi keeps forgetting to give their key monster a powercreep, Droids took a small slot in the massive Hero jumble of that set, along with all the Zetta support, and all the other Hero World decks under the sun. Focusing on being unaffected by card effects and focusing on vanilla beatdown with a good burn engine, Droids were seen as a nice budget deck to play while all the big boys played Zetta until the loop was cancelled and then was dropped faster then Bushiroads quality control department. In the almost two years since their release, Droids have gotten a total of 5 cards to their name and this means we can talk about the entire archetype in full detail, explain their core mechanic and game play, and see why Bushiroad possibly forgot about them and focused on the twelve other Brave Machine decks Hero World has to deal with.

Four Droids are all it takes to be a droid abuser
    Gigadroid Biggest is the main guy of the bunch, a 6/2/6 Brave Machine with a 2 gauge [Call Cost] and [Ride] cost. When you [Ride] into him, he puts one of your opponents gauge into the drop zone, and the true special perk of all Droids is that they cannot be destroyed by card effects. So when you ride into this guy, you got a pretty decent vanilla body that cant be destroyed that easily. Heck even newer Transforms and Rides have issue with card destruction like Cosmoman and Battle Buildings since they do not have destruction immunity. It's a good thing to have on, and for the time the 6/2/6 was seen a a nice vanilla statline, but the times have caught up and he needs some crutches to keep him going. Throwing in the Deity Trio into this guy`s soul helps a lot and is required to give this guy a wallop. He is still the main ride of the Droid deck...since he is the only one, and doing this turn 1 does help a bit since unless their deck is one of the newer decks that can generate gauge like its nothing, taking a gauge before they even started is something that was pretty powerful at the time. Run at 4, but remember to stack the deck with Saibird, Tigerthrust, Slashark can help a lot. Extends the life support on this sorry hunk of a droid.

      Gigadroid Gigantes is another Size 3, this time with a 7/3/6 in stats with a two gauge [Call Cost]. His main ability is that on your turn, you can pay a gauge and check top 5. If theirs three or more Brave Machine MONSTERS revealed, you deal 2 damage, however if five were revealed, you deal 5 damage. This guy is your main damage engine, check your top cards every turn and pray for a burn damage because Hero World can generate so much gauge that it does not really matter. You always have two or more Brave Machine monsters somewhere in your deck, and so getting three should be easy on most turns to trigger the two burn damage. With never support, this guy just has better consistency on getting the two burn then the five burn, but his three crit swing is good enough pressure also. All in all a decent beater of a machine. He also has the cannot be destroyed by effects, but it doesn't matter to say each time since all of them have this immunity. It helps when it swings for damage so they have to put up a shield or get hit hard. Run 4 for optimal plays and burn tactics.

     Megadroid Huge is their first size 0 of the deck, with a 2/1/1 base line. He cannot be destroyed by card effects, but when he enters the field, you can look at the top two cards of your deck and just put what you don't want on bottom, and what you do want on top. You use him to set up Gigantes plays, since it basically sets up two of the three cards needed for the burn. Plus since it is free to call, it does not tap into your resources like the other two, allowing for a nice beater once you use Gigantes and Biggest to get through there defenses. All in all, decent card and since you want to run droids, run 4.

Megadroid Larger is the newest size 0 with the same stats as huge, but with a slightly better ability! When he is called, you can put two "Droid" monsters from your drop zone on top of your deck. You would obviously be saying "Isn't this basically Huge?", and yes you would say that, however, the main difference is in two ways. He GUARANTEES the top cards being Brave Machine monsters, but at the cost of needing a drop zone filled with Droids to work. Even first turn that would be hard unless your two gauge to call Gigantes or ride into Biggest are both Droid monsters. So in a sense while Huge can be used in the early game, this gives you more advantage but you need to wait a turn to apply his effect. Still works simply for Gigantes plays, or if you need to get a card lost from drop zone and can draw it back with a draw spell. So again, run this at 4, to increase Brave Machines in deck, increase Gigantes`s burn potential, and because what else are you going to use?

Why is effect destruction not enough?
     So you are wondering why a Hero World deck focused on a mix of burn and aggro with all the support Hero World has, isn't topping everything you saw back in the day? Well it is very simple my friend. Unexpected accidents. See, the DDD Metagame wasn't as well received as it should be, with many decks topping due to their higher power with supposedly no downside or a variant born from the community outshining intended builds. Executioners were so powerful since they had such good synergy and all you had to do was run 70 cards. Neodragon Zwei was big since it had big Neodragons and the monster spells to make the engine work. Plus Style of Justice was just around the corner and OH BOY! That was definitely a form of oppression if I ever saw it. So it did not help Droids case to become something fully playable. Since they relied entirely on the luck of the top deck, they still had a bit of error on their side to not get the burn damage off and without a good consistent engine, the deck does not have the horsepower to apply the burn or the damage to make up for it when Plan A fails. OH and remember the Zetta loop accident.....yeah DDD had a weird Metagame. So what do you think should be needed for the deck to succeed. Well honestly something to make it stand out from the rest, a good beater with an effect that doesn't rely totally on luck and helps overall game image. It also would just be a good Ride or Size 0 because you WANT to proc Gigantes (whether you like it or not) to just kill them faster before they can set them their ridiculous 20 crit field...or Lost World. SO from Kota1908 (Cause no one from the TCGBuzz Discord sent in any Droids)

     So let us go over this guy. An evolution of biggest with a nicer, more up to date base line with an actual ability, unlike most of the Droids which cannot do jack. You get a +2 for 1 gauge and a top deck, top deck guarantees a 1 on top for Gigantes, combined with something like Huge or Larger to filter more to get a more consistent two burn damage off before going into the vanilla attacks makes him a nice option to have, plus giving him Double Attack, Penetrate, a +1/+1 in stats from the other Gigadroids put into soul really puts in the work to make a defense for the guy.

I got a lot planned

     So as we wrap-up this little thing, let me just say that Bushiroad really needs to just boost everything in Hero World for the love of Gao. They have made Hero World so massive, that it has basically a deck for everyone in terms of aesthetic or playstyle, that it would be fun to see everyone play the world. Theirs budget friendly decks, competitive decks, decks based on childhood properties, decks based on kancolle. Hero World can be a very friendly world for players to join into without the stigma placed on Dragon World since it has so many decks to choose from. Maybe Buddychronicle may fix that issue with good Hero World cards, but more then likely the Hero World cards there will be for the bigger boys like Gao.Hero, Darkheroes, Zetta, etc. We'll have to see.

     I have two more episodes already in progress, one is just started which is the shorter one, and another one which has taken months to write due to how much I need to talk about in it, so expect that one in a month or two depending on how my schedule comes up. I might want to do one more smaller archetype to fill the void as the two I am working on now are bigger projects that require more then two weeks at a time for them. So even I have no idea what I am doing next, so it may surprise you a bit. I thank everyone for reading and to leave a comment is always appreciated! Circulate the links if you enjoy and as always

                                                           Pet your Ranma`s.


Sunday, August 26, 2018

S Character Pack 1: SHIN-It's the X Character Pack, but in a good way.

     So the Character Pack reveals are finally coming in and we finally have good foundation of all THREE decks in the booster that we can do a small little explanation and dissection of all the new cards. I did say three because a third attribute entered the fray, they have a unique mechanic and they seem to be used by Ranma, so that will be cool! Wanted to write this since I've been having fun play testing around with all the decks and I have come to several conclusions on DBD and DDT, and just a small mention on the new DiD deck and how they contribute to the game. So with everything settled, put on your Dragon hazmat suit.

      Let us begin.      

 Deity Dragon Tribe

Okay so speaking of the new poster boy of Buddyfight, not only is he getting this batch of support, but also a brand new Katana deck as well as three other Gargantua decks later in the fall. It may not be DDT but my god this dragon is insane. He has gotten four brand new forms in this set alone. Acute Mode shown here working with the new Garrapier and link attack focused. Legion Mode focuses on field swarming and bringing out a new fresh field once your item attacks to either gain resources through the Gar-animal trio, or a new monster to take some monsters down like Glom Gardra while Garga attacks. Charing is literally just a massive battery, gauging you for three, gaining you one life and a draw and finally Daybreak Garga is basically Rescue Drum, so always nice to have. The support lineup gives them monster destruction, to size 1 counter recovery, to G-EVO shenanigans and even more protection with their new Blue Dragon Shield and a counter 5 life which might not seem much but is always a good tech in if the un-revivable impacts start to creep back into the game. All in all, plenty of amazing cards are coming for DDT and I expect them to get a possible resurgence back into the Meta-game even if a little they got a ton more resource gaining and the pressure and G-EVO potential to pull out more damage then before. So yeah DDT is AOK!!....God using these short-term names makes me cringe...

Dragon Blood Division (The Revisit)

The True MVP of the deck
Dragon Blood Division is a closed center deck. You got monsters who can go into Bloody Eye's soul, stacking him for counterattacks, as well as them the cards in soul giving him extra effects like crit up and card destruction. They also now have opponent discard tools, resource gain tools, and an ability to stand for another attack which when you can stack 3 Perpetuity in Eye's soul, can hit for a lot. All they need now is a faster way to get Bloody Eyes, which will happen, and the deck can just speed into advantage. Their toolkit of spells are nice also. Elegante for all your destruction needs, Graziozo for your always needed kosher, Taboos for resource and Infinite Phantom for your draw power going into your turn to keep your weaklings alive and to fetch more guys to shove into Bloody Eye's soul. We have the livestream tomorrow (6:30 AM EST for those interested) to see the rest of the Division and their support, but for now they do have options to tackle decks that do have effect destruction nullification. It's a small set of options but its there. I have been having a good amount of fun with the deck due to its uniqueness from other Dragon World decks and I am happy to have more diversity in Dragon rather then the same mundane we are used to. If you love Dragon World but never liked playing the hero role, how about a switch to the dark side?

Dimensional Dragon
    Okay bob, you have one job in this blog. To put a picture of a buddyfight card in the picture section...ONE JOB! THIS IS JUST A PICTURE OF AN ENGINE! HOW DO YOU MESS THAT UP?!

Wha wha wha wha whaaaaa

    What do you mean this is a Buddyfight card? That's a picture of an engine. Here let me show you a picture of an actual engine.

    See bob, this is a buddyfight card, not an engine...What do you mean they look the same? 

                                                              Wha wha wha wha whaaaaa

     For the love of Gao, these are not the same thing! Let me show you if you want to act like a smarty pants!  


See the differences?! Now if you are going to tell me straight to my face that Dragon World Dimensional Dragons are basically just a massive engine to turbo into Lost World...THEN I AM DONE WITH YOU BOB!!!

Wha wha whaaaaa


Sunday, August 12, 2018

THE NEW ATTRIBUTES OF ACE!!!!! Part 3: Super Hero Taisen Ω Plus Ultra Hyper Mega & Knuckles

     Finally we are here, welcome to the final part of the mini-series, which has been a success for the most part according to people. The last two episodes have gotten a ton more views then any of the other blogs and for that I thank you all so much! It makes me happy to know that it has helped in some way to get people into the Ace Series. We have three decks FINALLY fully revealed thanks to reveals, days from its release...yeah that is late. So strap on your spandex because

It's Hero Time!!!

Galaxy Defense Team/Galaxy Exalt

     <<Galaxy Defense Team>> is the first new attribute for the Hero Booster, focusing on the [Transform] side of Hero World. For the people who do now know, Hero World does not use items (Except The next attribute...thanks Bushi) and instead their monsters have a Keyword, [Transform] or [Ride] which converts the card into an item. For simple rulings, as soon as you Transform or Ride, it Galaxy Exalt, Cosmoman, a massive monster who battles massive kaiju (That means Monsters) to protect the Earth. When you transform into him, you gain 3 cards into its soul and at the end of each turn, you lose one. The card is such a massive reference to the Ultraman series that it is so interesting how they even got the mechanic of Ultraman`s Color Timer represented and it is such a cool thing. Cosmoman gains a critical and 1000 defense for each card in the soul, starting then with a first turn 5 critical swing, which shows you what this deck is all about. This deck just screams aggression from Cosmoman`s damage potential, to the sidekick`s Cosmoman has like Horizon Fire and Cosmo Falcon No.1, piloted by the humans that strive to protect the earth along with Cosmoman. Their designs though, OH THIS IS JUST SO COOL! The Buddyfight developers are obviously Showa era fans of tokusatsu, as the deck is just oozing Showa Era Ultraman. From the designs of the Cosmo Machines to even the jumpsuit of Mamoru being a nod to the SSSP (The Science Special Search Party) from the original Ultraman series. Someone give the artist at Bushiroad a pat on the back, because that person is a good boi. The deck is just a powerhouse, since it can do so much damage in a single turn, that it can get away with using unconventional spells to get the attacks through, plus their impact is a Slightly weaker Tempest Buster from X season...and we do not like most things from the X season so it's safe to say it will end games. For all the decks power and aggro potential, if your heart screams for Justice like an Ultra Brother, then hurry and pick up Cosmoman. All decks shown in this blog are available in S Ultimate Booster 1: Superhero Wars Ω -Advent of Cosmoman!- available on September 7th!
becomes classified as an item on your field. You gain the power, defense, and abilities of the monster, but now as your item, which is what Hero World is all about. This deck gives you the power of 

Mobile Aerial Team

The second attribute revealed is the brand new <<Sky Machine Corp>>. They are...interesting to say the least, marketed as "An amazing deck for veteran players", Sky Machine Corps break a lot of traditional rules for Hero World and has a unique play style that I can only describe as..."Complicated". They revolve around item manipulation and moving your items around over and over. First starting from the hand, into the soul through their card effects, then into the gauge through the use of the [Purge] ability, then used as costs for cards so they go into the drop zone, back into the hand or into the soul of another card through other means. It's very odd to say the least how much work you have to do to recycle most of monsters and items. The Items generate resources and power inside your monsters, which if not needed, are purged to allow new ones in, you cannot stack items "Galeforce Sky Type-0" Fubuki Mayuzumi (that's the name? Why are even the names more complicated then they need to be?!) Which whenever you put a card into her soul, she gains a life, and since you cycle cards out, she is an "Excellent" ride to go into! A lot of the monsters are just teenage girls, maybe 14 to 18 to the Duo of size 3`s who look about...20-25ish college girls in like flight suit armor, and it seems in sort of imaginary land, they hold the items in their hands and keep swapping them out. So if you like anime women, and like over complicated messes of a deck...then boy howdy!! Pick this deck! All decks shown in this blog are available in S Ultimate Booster 1: Superhero Wars Ω -Advent of Cosmoman!- available on September 7th!
into their souls easily. The first two can be put into the soul through the new keyword {{Weapon Link}}, and after putting two in, Weapon It just shuts off after putting a second soul in, so if you want to stack more cards in, you better find another way.  It's...It's apparently very good. I usually do not like putting personal bias into the blog when writing but I just...I went into this with such high expectations since I thought it perfectly matched a play style I built for Buddyfight. I kinda did.....kinda stole it and...made it more complicated that it needs to be. Its an engine on wheels to generate power plays and resources through the cycle of soul to gauge to drop to hand to soul. Over and Over and Over and Over. So because I physically cannot bring myself to write anymore on how they play, let's just talk about aesthetic basically either your wet dream, or an unintentional insult to every veteran buddyfighter ever. They are all females. Seemingly from the SP Art you see here of their "Boss Monster" 

Battle Building
     Battle Building is the third new attribute for the Hero Booster, however this time, this is a Sub-Attribute. Since this is the first time I say this term, it is basically an attribute that goes after a main attribute for a deck. For example, <<Knights>> are a sub-attribute of <<Adventurers>>, it goes something like that. This makes it so Sub-Attribute decks can use older support as well as new cards made for them no problem. Now back on topic, Battle Buildings are all about massive robots that appear out of [Set] Spells designed to look like buildings. You can put down as many Set's as you can as they generate most of your resources, then at the beginning of your turn, each one has their own ability. They can either draw, gauge ramp, life ramp, deploy card destruction, and drop zone recover. The spells are really nice to have since they can stack and not a lot of decks carry [Set] Spell destruction. Their second abilities allow you to call a specific Battle Building from either your drop zone or hand, at {{Counter}} speed without paying their call cost, but you lose that spell as it goes into the monsters soul. The machines themselves though, are powerful machines, each bringing their own pain to the table. From an unstoppable 4 critical attack, to damage reduction, and tons of field disruption. That's not even getting into their two main cards. Ion Nanana`s own buddy Martian UFO Super-Transformation, Takokichi Omega which sets up for basically free, mills the top 3 of your deck and lets you get a spell and a Size 3 monster from among those into hand. This isn't even Set Spell locked so you can pick up the Battle Builder searcher or shield. So Takokichi has a ton of utility to the deck, and for once HAS A DECK unlike his dad. He combos with the all powerful, all mighty, YUGO GATTAI! AI-BOOORRGU!!! Aiborg reduces the size of ALL Battle Buildings on your field by 3, so Have fun destroying your opponent`s face in with multiple size 3`s on your field the size of skyscrapers. Speaking of Skyscrapers, They hold the aesthetic of very "Super Robot" machines, not as sleek as the Transformer aesthetic like Ride-Changers from the OG Era, but in a similar vein, either with extravagant designs or over the top accessories to their designs, like a Shoulder guard made out of a building. If you have the beating heart of a Super Robot Fan, and are also a fan of good Architecture, then suit-up for Battle Buildings! All decks shown in this blog are available in S Ultimate Booster 1: Superhero Wars Ω -Advent of Cosmoman!- available on September 7th!

    That was a lot of decks to go through at god, but it has been such a fun experience and I feel I should honestly do it more. Maybe if a trio of new decks come out, I can make a blog, just need a bunch to talk about. So I hope you all enjoy this long series, and honestly I apologize for taking longer on this one, the weekend I usually use to finish these was taken by multiple phone errors and spending all my time doing phone diagnostic...never try to trick IOS does not go well. We just got the Lost World flag if you didn't notice from every Buddyfight player nearby collectively screaming edge all over the locals. I for one am enjoying never needing to run a metric ton of size 1`s ever again in my Astro deck, Go Me. I wonder what my next blog would even be, even I have no idea`s. Heck, I am writing the finale here before I write the Sky Machine Corp description because I am having so much darn trouble with it! So I hope future me actually writes it. Thank you all for reading, have a fan-TAS-tic night and to your friends, otherwise, you may end up LOSTTTTTTT!!!!

That isn't a hint to the next episode, I just wanted to make a Lost World reference.

Okay I am just writing this the day before I upload it, but I gotta ask. HOW DO YOU [RIDE] a SKY MACHINE CORP?! They are supposed to be human like females in armor. H-How?! Do you transform into the girl? Do you take over the girls mind? Do you sex-change into the character? Do you legitimately make her ride you?....My god that came out horribly wrong, BUT YOU KNOW MY ISSUE THEN!!! HOW DO YOU RIDE A FEMALE?!

Even more of a PS...Just finished YS VIII and got the True's bad. Great Game, bad ending.